Wonderful Facts about Ghana Culture


Ghana is a beautiful country with lush scenery and a rich history. Its culture is also unique and interesting, and many have been keen to learn more about this land and its people. Here are a few facts about Ghana that may whet the appetite and encourage those who feel an interest in other parts of the world to continue in their search.


1. Ghana is a lush country with beautiful tropical climate. The climate in Ghana is different from that of the other parts of the world. When other countries are heaped in snowfall and below freezing temperature, Ghana experiences its hottest time of the year. From October to April, the weather is usually hot and dry. From April to October, when many parts of the world are enjoying summer, the rains start coming down on the country. This makes it a beautiful vacation spot for those who want to escape the wild, wet winds and snows of winter. It’s nice if you also are able to check this fufu recipe that best fits the winter time.


2. Ghana is the home of one of the most beautiful weaving in the world. This is related to the weaving of the hair to create lovely, intricate braids on the top of the head. Many people of different countries have caught the feel of this type of hairstyle. These hairstyles can be seen more at the Nadia Buari article. In Ghana, one can have his or her hair woven into many different styles. One can choose the traditional braids, which feature long, thin braids that run from the forehead, through the scalp, and end in intricate snakelike tails down the back. One can have twists, zig zags or other patterns. Wonderfully glamorous styles that feature braids piled up and woven in twists and loops on the head is also possible with the best and most skillful Ghana weavers.


3. Ghana is the home of Fufu, a very interesting and delicious dish. Fufu is one of Ghana's staple foods. It is made out of flour or cassava, and boiled to make a dish wish is usually served with soup. It can also be made out of other starchy ingredients. Many people have been interested in finding a recipe for Fufu, and this can be done simply by searching online. Many websites feature wonderful facts and stories about Ghana, and for those who have this beautiful country as their heritage, or for those who are simply interested in gaining more knowledge about the world, they are wonderful resources of pleasure and enrichment. Please refer to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/crosscultural-solutions/5-things-you-cant-do-in-g_b_2024498.html for more facts and information.